Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 19.07.2022

Yıl: 2022

Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies is a scientific, double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access and an international journal that publishes original theoretical and/or practical articles that began publication in 2021. It aims to publish a wide range of articles in the field of computer science, computer engineering and management information systems, and to convey studies that are beneficial to science, humanity, to researchers and all interested audiences.

Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies is intended to facilitate effective communication and exchanges between scientists. It will reflect the significant advances that are currently being made in computer science. The multidisciplinary character of this field will be typified by providing the readers with a broad range of articles. They include original review articles, research papers written by individual researchers and research groups which appeal to the international community of academics and other professionals.

The journal is to keep related researchers updated on the developments in a wide range of topics reporting experiments, techniques and ideas that advance the understanding of various areas of computer science. This journal especially concerns the following sub-fields (but not limited to): The journal publishes research papers and review articles in a wide range of topics, including software engineering, computer architecture, programming theory and languages, natural language processing, algorithm and complexity, artificial intelligence, network computing and service, computer graphics and virtual reality, security and cryptography, as well as papers reflecting international trends of research and development, and papers on special topics reporting progress made by computer scientists.

Presents the latest developments in computer science
Emphasizes emerging and multidisciplinary fields and international trends in research and development
Covers such special topics as the progress of worldwide scientists
Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies accepts articles in English.

Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies will start its publication life in 2021. It will be published twice a year, June and December. Open access has adopted a double-blind pre-review system and a free publication policy. No registration, processing or publication fees are required from the author.

Articles about computer hardware, the software can be sent to be reviewed. In addition, interdisciplinary articles related to the fields listed in are also included in the evaluation process.

Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT), Bilgisayar bilimlerinin tüm ana dallarında orijinal araştırma makalelerini yayınlamayı amaçlamıştır. Aşağıdakiler dahil ancak bunlarla sınırlı olmamak üzere, geniş bir araştırma konusu yelpazesine ilişkin gönderileri davet ediyoruz:Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) tarafından kapsanan konular şunları içerir (Ancak bunlarla sınırlı değildir):

Doğal Dil İşleme
Bilgisayar Mimarisi
Bilgisayar Etiği
Bilgisayar ağları
Veritabanı Sistemleri
Karar Destek Sistemleri
Uzaktan Eğitim
İnsan bilgisayar etkileşimi
Multimedya ve sosyal medya
Geçici ve Sensör Ağı
Yaygın iletişim
Uyarlanabilir, otonom ve bağlama duyarlı bilgi işlem
Otonom ve kendi kendini yöneten ara katman yazılımı
B2B ve B2C yönetimi
Biyo-Bilişim, Biyo-Tıp ve Biyoteknoloji
Bilgi Teknolojisi ve uygulamaları
Akıllı ağlar
İnternet Teknolojileri, Altyapı, Hizmetler ve Uygulamalar
Kablosuz teknolojiler
Bilgi Yönetimi
Doğal Dil İşleme
Nöral ağlar
Optik Ağlar
Desen tanıma
Gerçek zamanlı bilgi sistemleri
Akıllı ev uygulamaları
Bilgi ve veri güvenliği
Nöral ağlar
Paralel ve Dağıtık Sistemler
Yazılım Mühendisliği
Bilgisayar Suçlarını Önleme ve Tespiti
Veri sıkıştırma
Algoritmalar Teorisi ve Uygulamaları
Bilgisayar Grafikleri ve Oyun Teorisi
Çevreci Bilişim
Sağlık ve Tıp Bilişimi
Eğitimde Teknoloji
Bilgi Güvenliği, Kimlik Doğrulama, Kriptografi
Bilgi sistemi
Web anlambilimi ve hizmetleri
Makine Öğrenimi, Görüntü İşleme, Örüntü Tanıma ve Sinyal İşleme
Bulut bilişim
İşbirlikçi uygulamalar
Yaygın hesaplama
Sayısal zeka
Bilgisayar Mimarisi ve Gömülü Sistemler
Yapay Zeka, Ontolojiler ve Bilgi Temsili ve Akıl Yürütme
BT ve Toplum
Çevreci Bilişim
Bulanık algoritmalar ve mantıklar
Küresel Konumlama Sistemi
Yönetim Bilgi Teknolojisi
İnsan-Bilgisayar Etkileşimi (HCI)
Görüntü analizi ve işleme
İnternet, Bulut ve Küme Bilişim
Mobil bilgisayar
Modelleme ve Simülasyon
Dağıtılmış ve Paralel Uygulamalar
Gömülü Sistemler ve Yazılım
Bulanık ve Sinir Ağı Sistemleri
Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri/ Küresel Navigasyon Uydu Sistemleri (GIS/GNSS)
Hizmet olarak BT
Nesnelerin interneti
Büyük veri ve veri analitiği
Bilgisayar görüşü
Bilgisayar bilgi sistemleri
Bilişim Etiği
Veritabanı Yönetimi
Veri madenciliği
Veri Alma
Dijital Ekonomi ve Dijital Bölünme
Dijital sinyal işleme teorisi
Sensör Ağları
Tedarik zinciri yönetimi
Eğitimde Teknoloji
Her yerde ve yaygın uygulamalar
Kullanıcı arayüzleri ve etkileşim modelleri
Sanal gerçeklik
Gerçek zamanlı multimedya sinyal işleme
Güvenlik, Gizlilik ve Güven
Yazılım Mühendisliği
Bilgi işlem
Sosyal ağlar

Makale Hazırlama

Makale açık, özlü ve dilbilgisi açısından doğru bir İngilizce ile yazılmalıdır. Yüksek standartta olduğundan ve yüksek düzeyde bilimsel yazıya uygun olduğundan emin olmak için, meslektaşlarınızdan makalenizi göndermeden önce okumalarını istemeniz önerilir.
Microsoft Word Şablonunu İndirin

Yazma Sırası

Makale aşağıdaki sıraya göre sunulmalıdır.

Giriş sayfası

Bu, katkının başlığını ve yazarların adlarını ve adreslerini içermelidir. Yazışmaları alacak ve kanıtları kontrol edecek yazarın açık posta adresi, e-posta adresi, telefon ve faks numarası eklenmelidir.

Sayfa başlığı

Kısa başlık veya kısa başlık, makale başlığınızın kısaltılmış halidir. Bu, yalnızca değerlendirme sürecinde makalenizi tanımlamaya yardımcı olmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda dergiyi okuyan kişilere bir bakışta bilgi sağlayan dergi ana sayfasında makale başlığı görevi görür.


Tüm yazılar kısa ama bilgilendirici bir Özet içermelidir. 300 kelimeyi geçmemeli ve çalışmanın kapsamını, hipotezini veya gerekçesini ve ana bulguları açıklamalıdır. Özet, metnin geri kalanını okumadan önce okuyucunun çalışmanın mantığı, yapılan deneyler ve bu deneylerin sonuçları hakkında hızlı bir şekilde net bir fikre sahip olmasını sağlamalıdır. Hem yaygın hem de bilimsel isimler dahil edilmelidir; Yetkililer başlıkta görünüyorsa verilmez. Literatür referansları ve matematiksel semboller/denklemlere yer verilmemelidir.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Anahtar kelimeler (3-5), makalenin indekslenmesine yardımcı olması için Özetin altında verilmelidir.


Giriş, çalışmanın amaçlarını kısaca belirtmeli ve çalışmanın neden üstlenildiğini ve hangi hipotezlerin test edildiğini açıklığa kavuşturmak için yeterli arka plan bilgisi sağlamalıdır.

Malzemeler ve yöntemler

Bu bölüm kısa olmalı, ancak kullanılan malzeme, ekipman ve işin başkaları tarafından tekrarlanmasına izin vermek için izlenen prosedür hakkında yeterli ayrıntıyı sağlamalıdır.


Sonuçlar metin, tablo ve şekillerde mantıksal bir sıra içinde sunulmalıdır. Tablo ve şekillerde aynı verilerin tekrar tekrar sunulmasından kaçınılmalıdır. Sonuçlar Tartışmaya uygun materyal içermemelidir. Tüm tablolar, grafikler, istatistiksel analizler ve örnek hesaplamalar bu bölümde sunulmalıdır.


Sonuçlar, Giriş bölümünde ileri sürülen herhangi bir hipotezle ilgili olarak tartışılmalıdır. Sonuçlar hakkında yorum yapın ve olası hata kaynaklarını belirtin. Çalışmayı literatürde bildirilen diğer çalışmaların bağlamına yerleştirin. Sadece istisnai durumlarda “Sonuçlar ve Tartışma” bölümleri birleştirilmelidir. Sayılara göre grafiklere, tablolara ve şekillere bakın. Bu, verilerin metne çok etkili bir şekilde bağlanmasına yardımcı olur. Yazarlar ayrıca Tartışma bölümünde gelecekteki araştırmaları ve sınırlamaları dikkate almalıdır.


Deneysel çalışmanın ana sonuçları sunulmalıdır. Çalışmanın bilim camiasına katkısı ve ekonomik etkileri vurgulanmalıdır.


Mali desteğin kaynağı kabul edilmelidir. Yazarlar, makale ile birlikte gönderilen kapak mektubunda herhangi bir finansal destek veya çıkar çatışması oluşturabilecek ilişkileri beyan etmelidir. Teknik yardım da kabul edilebilir.

Finansman Bilgileri

Yazarlar, bu makalenin fon sağlayıcılarını onaylamalı ve gerekli tüm fon bilgilerini sağlamalıdır.

Yazar Katkıları

Yazarlar, her yazarın katkısını belirten bir sorumluluk beyanını yazıya eklemek zorundadır. Ayrıntı düzeyi değişir; bazı disiplinler, ayrıntılı olarak kolayca ifade edilen ayrı çabaları içeren el yazmaları üretirken, diğer alanlar tüm aşamalarda grup çalışmaları olarak çalışır.

Çıkar çatışması

Araştırmaya ilişkin yargı, finansal kazanç veya kişisel ilişkiler gibi faktörlerden etkilendiğinde bir çıkar çatışması ortaya çıkar. Tüm yazarların, çalışmalarını etkileyebilecek veya etkilediği düşünülebilecek herhangi bir finansal, kişisel veya diğer dernekleri açıklamaları gerekmektedir.


Her referanstaki bilgilerin eksiksiz ve doğru olmasını sağlamak Yazarların sorumluluğundadır. Referans listesinde sadece yayınlanmış ve “baskıda” referanslar görünmelidir.


Tablolar bağımsız olmalı ve veriler şekillerde çoğaltılmamalıdır. Tablolar ardışık olarak numaralandırılmalıdır. Her tablo, tablonun üzerinde kapsamlı ancak kısa bir açıklama ile ayrı bir sayfada sunulmalıdır. Tablolar çift aralıklı olmalı ve sütunları ayırmak için dikey çizgiler kullanılmamalıdır. Sütun başlıkları, ölçü birimleri parantez içinde olacak şekilde kısa olmalıdır. Tüm kısaltmalar dipnotlarda tanımlanmalıdır. Dipnotlar için üst simge harfleri (sayı değil) kullanın ve dipnotları minimumda tutun. *, **, *** P değerleri için ayrılmalıdır.


Sadece gerekli çizimler dahil edilmelidir. Tüm çizimler (çizimler ve fotoğraflar) şekil olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Şekillere metin içinde ardışık olarak atıfta bulunulmalıdır. Şekiller, sütuna veya tam metin genişliğine sığacak şekilde boyutlandırılmalıdır. Çizgi şekilleri, bilgisayar grafik paketi ile çizilmiş keskin, siyah-beyaz veya renkli diyagramlar olarak temin edilmelidir. Fotoğraflar keskin olmalı ve fotoğraflarda büyütme oranları bir ölçek çubuğu kullanılarak belirtilmelidir. Grafikler yüksek çözünürlüklü (en az 300 d.p.i.) elektronik dosyalar olarak sağlanmalıdır. Düşük çözünürlüklü olarak sağlanan dijital görseller kullanılamaz ve kabul edilmeyecektir. Açıklama, kullanılan herhangi bir sembolün tanımlarını içermeli ve tüm kısaltmalar ve ölçü birimleri, şeklin metne atıfta bulunulmadan anlaşılabilmesi için açıklanmalıdır.

Kısaltmalar ve Birimler

Units, Symbols and Abbreviations: A Guide for Medical and Scientific Editors and Authors (Royal Society of Medicine Press, Londra) kitabının son baskısında özetlendiği gibi SI birimleri, mümkün olan her yerde kullanılmalıdır. İstatistikler ve ölçümler her zaman rakamlarla verilmelidir; sayının cümlenin başladığı yer hariç. Sayı bir birim ölçümü ifade etmediğinde, sayının dokuzdan büyük olduğu durumlar dışında, hecelenir. Yalnızca standart kısaltmalar kullanın. Figür kelimesi cümleye başlanmadıkça Fig. olarak kısaltılmalıdır.


There are no submission fees, publication fees, open access fees or page charges for this journal. The journal is totally free. Journal is supported by the "İzmir Akademi Derneği".

Publication Ethics

The publishing processes of the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) are based on the unbiased production, development and sharing of information using scientific methods.

Refereed articles are studies that ensure the application of the scientific method and impartiality. In the realization of scientific production, all components of the publication process; publishers, editors, authors, referees and readers must comply with ethical principles.

In this context, the publication ethics and open access policy of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT), in line with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in open access (For example, the "Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) Code of Conduct and Journal Editors" The Best Practice Guidelines for “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”) require that all components of the publication process comply with ethical principles.

In situations such as manipulating and distorting the data used in the articles and using fake data are detected, this situation will be officially reported to the institution where the article author works and the article will be rejected. Our journal has the right to request the output files of the analysis results from the authors according to the feedback given by the editor and/or referees.

Publisher's Ethical Responsibilities

The publisher of the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT), is a non-profit person who takes care of the public interest.
Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) has been serving as an important journal in the field of social sciences under the management of the editorial board or editorial board since 2019.

Members of the Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) are assigned for three years, taking into account the branches of social sciences. As the head of the Editorial Board, an editor and, depending on the situation, one or more assistant editors and field editors can be determined. A new member is appointed to replace the leaving member. The term of the expired member can be extended. According to the subject of the article, if necessary, the editor may send an article to experts who are not members of the Board of Editors (at least doctor's title) for review as a field editor.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT)

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) is responsible for every article submitted to the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) and even all processes after its publication, and the Editorial Board knows this responsibility. This responsibility, considering only the public interest in decisions made on issues related to the journal; it requires making decisions independently without considering personal gain. The relationship between the Publisher and the Editorial Board is based on the principle of independence, and all decisions taken by the editors are independent of the publisher and other persons and organizations.

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) strives to continuously improve the journal and increase its publication quality.

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) ensures that journal policies such as publication, blind refereeing, evaluation process and ethical principles are determined and implemented.

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) protects the copyright of the article authors published in Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT).

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) is responsible for taking measures regarding intellectual property rights, unscientific-unethical behaviours, plagiarism, sending (citation) gangs during the publishing process of articles and journals.

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) prepares an "Author's Guide" containing the information requirements of the author (s) and a "Referee Guide" containing the information that referees will need during the evaluation phase, and updates it when necessary.

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) determines policies to motivate the referees and the author (s).

The Editorial Board of Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) keeps the records of each article and correspondence related to the journal electronically or in print.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editor, Assistant Editors and Field Editors

Editors strive to meet the information needs of referees, author (s), researchers, practitioners and readers, to provide feedback when necessary, to act according to the principles of clarity in matters that require correction and explanation during the publication process.

While deciding on the publication of articles, editors take care that the articles are original and contribute to the scientific literature, readers, researchers and practitioners.

While making positive or negative decisions about articles, editors take into account the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the journal's purpose and scope.

Editors take the submitted articles to the pre-evaluation stage as long as they have no significant problems, consider positive referee suggestions, and do not change the decisions made by the previous editor (s) unless there is a serious problem.

Editors implement the policies of blind review and evaluation process, which are among the publishing policies of the journal, keep the identity information of the referees confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated objectively and in time.

Editors send articles by taking into account the field of expertise of the editors and referees, and they support the impartial and independent evaluation.

Editors consider whether there is a conflict of interest between editors, referees and author (s) for unbiased evaluation of the article.

Editors seek to ensure that the referee pool consists of a wide variety and is constantly updated.

Editors avoid unscientific reviews that do not follow academic etiquette.

Editors ensure that the journal publishing processes are operated in accordance with publishing policies and guidelines, inform their field of duty in the process about the developments in publication policies, and prepare training programs when necessary.

Editors are ineffective communication with everyone involved in the publishing process and hold meetings at regular intervals.

Editors ensure the protection of personal data in reviewed articles; protect individual data of authors, referees and readers.

Editors; They pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in the articles, they care about documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the article, the approval of the ethics committee of the participants of the article, and they reject the article when they do not have permission for experimental research.

Editors; they take precautions against misconduct. When there are complaints about misconduct, he makes an objective investigation and shares the findings on the subject.

Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in the articles are corrected.

Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author (s) in case of violation. In addition, they take necessary measures to ensure that the content of published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of other publications; They do the authenticity-similarity check.

Editors take into account the consistent criticism of the articles published in the Journal and give the right to reply to the author (s) of the criticized articles.

Editors also consider studies with negative results.

Editors examine the complaints submitted to the Journal and make the necessary explanations.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

In the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) article evaluation process, the two-way blind refereeing principle is applied, in which the referees of the author (s) and the referees do not recognize the authors. The article evaluation forms and the notes stated on the text and the correction requests are forwarded to the author (s) by the editors through the journal management system. Referees who will evaluate the articles submitted to the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) should bear the following ethical responsibilities:

Referees should only agree to evaluate articles related to their field of expertise.

Referees should make the assessment neutral and confidential. In accordance with this principle, they should destroy the articles they have reviewed after the evaluation process, but use them after publication. Nationality, gender, religious belief, political belief and commercial concerns should not disturb the neutrality of the evaluation.

When the referees understand that there is a conflict of interest, they should refuse to evaluate the article and inform the editors.

Referees should make the evaluation in constructive language in accordance with academic etiquette; Avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.

The referees should evaluate the article, which they accepted, within the time limit.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Ethical responsibilities of the author (s) who apply for an article to Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT):

Author (s) should not send an article that they have published elsewhere or sent to be published, or more than one article at the same time to the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT).

Author (s) should submit an original article to the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT).

The author (s) should correctly refer (cite) to the sources they use during the writing of the article in line with ethical principles.

The names of persons who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, and it should not be suggested to change the order of the author of an article submitted for publication, to remove or add authors.

Individuals who have a conflict of interest and a common interest related to the article for publication must be notified to editors.

If information or raw data is requested from the author (s) during the evaluation process, they should submit the expected information to the Editors.

The author (s) must document that the rights to use the data they use in their articles, permission for research-analysis or the consent of the participants on which they have researched.

The author (s) should contact the editor to inform, correct or retract when they notice the error in the evaluation and early viewing or electronically published article.

The author (s) have obtained the approval of the ethics committee for research that requires data collection by quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, focus group studies that require ethics committee decision; The name of the ethics committee, the date and number of the decision should be indicated on the first-last page of the candidate article and in the method section, and the document showing the ethics committee decision should be uploaded to the system with the application of the article. In addition, case reports should include information about obtaining informed consent / obtaining consent form in the article.

The author (s) should present in the article the evidence that they adhere to ethical principles in the data collection process (such as obtaining permission from others to use documents such as scale, questionnaire, photograph). It should be stated in the articles that the copyright regulations for research and publication ethics and intellectual and artistic works are complied with. If the research was carried out on human and animal subjects, it should be reported that the research was carried out in accordance with international reports, guidelines, etc.

Ethics committee approval is not required from the author (s) for review articles. However, in articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, it should be stated that an ethics committee decision is not required, on the first-last page and method section of the article.

Notifying the Editor of Non-Compliance with Ethical Principles

In the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT), if an unethical situation regarding editors, referees, authors or an article that is in the process of evaluation, early appearance or an unethical situation is encountered, it should be reported to

Research Ethics

The following codes of ethics on research ethics contribute to research objectives, support values ?? for collaboration, ensure researchers' responsibility to the public, provide credibility with public support, and reinforce various moral and social values:

1. The first rule is openness. In other words, the researcher has to share the data, materials, equipment, resources and findings he uses with the public. It should be open to criticism and new ideas.

2. Honesty and truthfulness: The researcher should not make up, steal, or misinterpret his findings. It must report results, methods, procedures accurately and not mislead colleagues, sponsors and the public. If he/she abuses research, it is also unethical behaviour.

3. The researcher should not cause any harm to the object or subject of interest. Consequently, the researcher must respect people's privacy and secrets and should not use personal names unless permitted in his research. In addition, the researcher should not hide his identity.

4. Intellectual property: Patents, copyrights and other intellectual property must be respected. Unauthorized data, methods and results should not be used and contributors should be referenced.

5. Confidentiality: Confidential communications, personnel records, commercial and military secrets, patient records must be protected.

6. Being objective: biased experimental design, data analysis and interpretation should be avoided.

7. Integrity and consistency must be ensured.

8. Errors and omissions made due to carelessness should be avoided through a serious thorough examination of the work.

9. Social responsibility: Researches that may cause social damage should be avoided.

10. Discrimination: It should not be discriminated against by using gender, race, origin and other factors that are not related to scientific authority and integrity.

11. Relevant laws should be known and obeyed.

12. Caring for animals: Animals used during the research should be given due care and respect. Poorly designed and unnecessary animal experiments should not be done.

13. Protecting people: Risk and harm should be minimized in humanitarian research, human dignity, privacy and autonomy should be protected. Special precautions should be taken in research involving vulnerable persons with a child, developmental or cognitive disability, living in a nursing home, homeless or without legal status. The burden and benefits of research should be distributed fairly.

Planning and implementation of research on humans and animals, whose framework is drawn by national and international regulations and regulations, are the most important topics of research ethics. Research ethics is a concept that is mostly used for medical research, but undoubtedly, research conducted in social sciences is also within the scope of research ethics in a different dimension.

Obtaining Legal / Private Ethics Committee Permit

TRDIZIN EXPLANATION and DISCLOSURE of the Code of Ethics The articles related to the Code of Ethics in the criteria in the previous years were detailed in 2020 with explanations, assuming that permissions were obtained for studies requiring ethical committee approval in the field of research, and the issue of “including information about permission in the article” was added to the criteria.

Researches requiring Ethics Committee permission are as follows:

1) All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using a questionnaire, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques.

2) Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

3) Clinical researches on humans,

4) Research on animals,

5) Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,


Stating that "Informed Consent Form" was obtained in case presentations,

Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,

Statement of compliance with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used

Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles that have used research data before 2020, that have been produced from master's / doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), that have been published in the journal in the previous year, accepted but not yet published.

Researchers who are not members of the university can also apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions.


Whether an ethics committee approval and/or legal/special permission is required for articles to be published in journals should be stated in the article. If these permissions are required, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on what date and with which decision or issue number the permission was obtained.

If the study requires the use of human and animal subjects, the study should be included in an international declaration, guide, etc. It must be declared appropriate

Open Access Policy

Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) has adopted the “open access policy” by considering the principle that increasing the global exchange of the knowledge generates useful results for humanity.Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies (JECT) is an "open access" journal the content of which is available to all users freely. Users can read the articles in full text, download, issue, print out and link to articles citing the journal without taking permission from the publisher or the author(s).

Our open-access policy is in line with the Budapest Open Access Initiative:



The journal does not charge article submission, processing, open access or any other charges.
All expenses of the journal are covered by İzmir Academy Association the owner of the Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies.

Journal of Emerging Computer Technologies
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Izmir Academy Association